Sunday, February 25, 2007

You're Hired!

So as I was reading this week's edition of Time magazine, I stumbled across a one-page article that really caught my attention ("It's a Wrap. You're Hired!). After learning all of these news digital techniques, I've been thinking about how to apply these skills to my resume in order to find a high-paying job after graduation.

Well, this article gave me an interesting idea. It's premise, was creating resume videos. Although this particular articles focused on posting them on YouTube, I thought about how affective this concept could be in other forms, such as e-mail attachments, DVDs and on personal Web sites.

In some ways this reminds me of auditioning for a TV game or reality show, but isn't that what applying for a job is any, an extensive audition? And why not do it while showcasing some of your personal talents with technology? Maybe this is is the wave of the future with the easy availability of online and computer-based sound and video editing. Then again, maybe some employers just aren't ready for a generation of digital natives and still prefer the typical paper resume.


SONIA said...

This seems like an interesting idea. I have read some stuff on it myself, but I have to wonder if older, more traditional employers would be receptive to these video resumes. Who knows, but personally, I'd be afraid to push the envelope, especially for my first real job! I know, I'm a wuss :)

Queen of Bohemia said...

I think this is a great idea. I'm planning on using the online course I'm developing in my job hunt. I'll let you know how it goes.

misplacedtexan said...

I think this could be really useful when applied to things like college admissions as well- I think universities are better suited to being open minded about technology and creativity from prospective students. An interesting application to think about...